Thursday, December 21, 2006

Beware---Be Aware

No this isn't about some scam artist. This isn't about things to watch out for when dealing with others. This is about watching out what YOU are doing.

This morning (well really late last night, but it was after midnight, so that qualifies as this morning) I pulled a real bonafied boner. I just plain wasn't thinking. I submitted something to someone that the submission doesn't belong going to. Oh, not the end of the world in many cases, but it sure looks stupid. Sometimes however, and in this particular case it will mean loosing out on an opportunity. It was time sensitive, and I DID have the right one for the circumstance... I just clicked the wrong one instead because... well any excuse will do, my mind was tired, I was moving on auto-pilot... the bottom line is: I wasn't thinking!

In this case it also means loosing out on potential (and certain) income. SUCKS bigger time, so I'm whining a bit here, but let my whining be your lesson (and mine in the future as well). Beware--BE AWARE. Think, don't just 'think you know something, or remember something.' Be SURE you do.

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