Monday, December 18, 2006

A Niche Crime?

I was just reading Victoria's column on At Last! Writer Beware about why scammers aimed at writers are so hard to convict. It's an excellent article, but it kind of made me laugh (just for a moment mind you, because the subject is not funny at all) when she claimed one of the reasons those scammers are so hard to prosecute is the system sees it as a niche crime--writer's are such a small portion of the population. Why is that funny, you might ask. Well it just is. It sure seems like we're a huge portion of the population judging by the sheer number of websites, blogs, and print magazines devoted to us, either by us or aimed at us.

Looking at our submission piles at LAP and Chip it would seem a large number of people are writing with specific aim at getting published. Man, if we charged even $10.00 a pop reading fee we'd be in pretty good shape. NOT that we'd ever even dream of such a thing. Not in a million years. What I'm saying is that it really doesn't seem like a small crime, or a low-dollar crime to me at all.

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