Sunday, February 25, 2007

Finding a friend for my little adopted doe kid Annie is proving more difficult that you might think. Lots of people have goats (okay, maybe those of you that live in the city don't know of any, but if you live in the country it's not that uncommon) but it sure is hard to find anyone selling any of the females. Add to that that I'd really like a Nubian. I'm in love with their charming personality, and they give the richest, sweetest milk (imo). It seems like everybody in Illinois has switched to Lamanchas though. I can't get past the earless look of the Lamanchas even though I know they are great milkers. I love the long, floppy earred look of the Nubians. For now, Annie remains friendless. She is having a ball though. I snapped a picture on my phone yesterday of her sleeping in a little nook at the end of the coffee table. She crawled in there and made herself comfortable and took a snooze while I watched TV.


me said...

I love LaManchas! I used to raise them when I was growing up. Those cute little tiny ears were so cute.

Deborah Niemann said...

I have mostly Nigerian dwarfs and a pair of la manchas, but I have a friend who has Nubians. In fact, she has five bucklings this spring! If you want a baby Nubian, I'm sure she'd be happy to sell you a wether for a pet.