Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Cabin Fever

I'm getting a bad case of cabin fever, and I'm not even stuck inside. The weather has been so bitter here lately. You'd think that would mean I'd have a lot of time to work on my writing being stuck inside, but what it means is I'm stuck taking longer and longer doing my outside chores and have so little time to write it's driving me insane.

I used to think winters were my most productive times for writing since I have so much more to do in the warmer weather with the animals, but I've found in practice that it just isn't true. I get a lot more writing done in the warmer months because even though I'm doing more, the chores move faster, and the daylight lasts longer.

I can't wait for spring! It's supposed to be in the high 40's by the weekend here. It can't get here fast enough for me.

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