Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More toys

Hubby came home today and brought me a new toy. Don't you just love new toys? I do. My computer desk is full of 'toys' from external hard drives to DVD burners etc... I've never tried remote mouses though. He's used one for his laptop for awhile now and it's nice when I do things on that. I just never really got around to getting one for my desktop computer. Well he brought me one home today. I don't know why for sure. It's not my birthday. He just does things like that every now and then. So I have a cool new wireless mouse that works great. Boy is it sensitive though. I have to really get used to the play on it.


IM Cupnjava said...

You should be able to decrease the sensitvity in your settings. If you don't know where, drop me an e-mail.

Tami P said...

Thanks Cup. I'll look for that. It's not super bad and I'm getting pretty used to it already though. Maybe just a little tweak would be nice though. Didn't even think about the settings... now just to find them.