Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sky High

I happened to catch a viewing of the movie 'Sky High' with Kurt Russell last night on HBO. That was one of the I'd wanted to see it, but missed it movies that I was thrilled to see being shown. It was cute, funny, and carried a nice message to boot. One of those wholesome family movies that I like to watch. I love movies of all types but movies like 'Sky High' are a nice relief from the sex driven, blastem up movies that are common fare (although as with any superhero movie, there was enough of the bam/pow/omph stuff going on too--just in a cute way).

'Sky High' is the story of the son of two superpowers that is just starting his first year at 'Sky High' the exclusive school for the kids of superheros. His mom and pop are the super heros of superheros--the Commander and Flight something or other so he has big shoes to fill, but he doesn't have any powers--a fact he's kept hidden from dear old dad until now.

I won't tell you the rest just on the off chance you haven't seen the movie yet, or is one of those movies you 'passed' on because it looked to corny... is it corny? Yeah, sure, but in a good way.

One of the really cool 'cameo' appearances is the Linda Carter character. She's the principle of 'Sky High' (you might remember her as Wonder Woman in the 70's) at the end she walks out of detention and says something along the lines of 'I can't do everything, I'm not Wonder Woman'. That was just one of the really cute laughs aimed at those of us who grew up in the 70's with shows like WW.

If by chance you haven't seen 'Sky High', or thought it beneath you to take the time to watch it, give it a second thought. It's a really cute movie that just might leave you with a smile on your face.

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