Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Quest

I think it's part of human nature to fuel the need for a 'quest' in life. While it's unlikely that I'll ever set out on a quest to conquer a great wilderness... not my style, or go on an Indian type 'vision quest'... more something I'd do, but still not likely, the quest for knowledge is a huge part of everyday life for me though. Every book I read whether it's fiction, or non-fiction brings some sort of new revelation, fact, or insight... if it doens't then I feel quite let down. Ultimately though, the origin of all quests for knowledge for me starts on a biblical level. Whether it's Catholic bibles, or a deeply mystic Eastern text I feel like it connects somewhere deep inside on a spiritual level and transends all other forms of knowledge. Books that help to provide insights to life, and the complexity of human nature not only make me think, and strive to understand myself more, they help me gain a better grip on people as a whole.

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