Thursday, May 03, 2007

Is it really Stranger Than Fiction?

My son just lent me a movie called 'Stranger Than Fiction' staring Will Farrel, Dustin Hoffman, and Queen Latifah. I'll tell you how it is after I watch it tonight but is sounds like a HOOT. It's about this 'regular Joe'... okay he's an IRS auditor, so not everyone's favorite 'Joe', but just an average guy who suddenly finds himself hearing a narration of his life story in his head. No one else can. Turns out this author is writing 'his' story although she doesn't know he's a real guy... the twist is, she has a habit of killing off her main characters in bizare ways, and Will Farrell's character can hear her 'narration' of what's going to happen as he does it. Is that a great movie for a writer to watch, or what? I'll let you know, but I think it's going to be great.

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