Saturday, May 26, 2007

Televisions new 'old' perspecitve

Some of my favorite shows are on the Discovery channel, and Animal Planet. I can watch them all day. Even the reruns. What gets me though is how Hollywood seems to see fit to constantly rehash old shows like the upcoming 'Bionic Woman' series based of course on the old Linda Carter series. There are so many fantastic writers, and stories out there and they have to give us the same thing. Just because it was a hit back in the 70's they assume it's a safer bet that something fresh and new. The problem is even when they give us fresh it's not new. It's the same old story packaged in a different set of actors, and scenarios. A little clue guys--the same thing that was funny before is probably boring now. I think they have to step outside their Hollywood comfort zone and look for writers from other parts of the country and world. It's a well-known fact that screenwriters and television writers are usually only considered if they live in the 'known universe' of Hollywood. That's sometimes breakable for screenwriters... but never for television writers. They have to be on 'beck and call' and show up for work. I don't see why they can't find away in this mass-communication online era to work from various locations though. Really. And I think it would give them a whole new perspective on what the country as a whole wants to see, and open up a whole new world of writers to them.

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