Thursday, June 21, 2007

Where's the Rain?

I just went to the weather forcast for our area to see when we might hope to get some rain. The five day forcast shows thunderstorms all this week, yet it's clear, hot, and sunny outside MY window. Are they looking out a different window? I know most folks don't pray for rain, but those of us with livestock sure do. The cost of hay is going through the roof in most parts of the country due to the droughts, and even corn crops that were hoped to really line most farmer's pockets thanks to the big infusion of ethanol plants are sadly low in some areas. We did get some blessed relief on Sunday and Monday, but the short rain showers on those days barely put a dent in the dryness. I sure hope we get some rain on at least one of the predicted days. The longer I can field graze my animals the less hay I'll have to use so I have stores for the winter if we can't get anymore this year.

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