Thursday, January 17, 2013

Creating Character with Style

I love giving my characters a personality that is shown in a lot of ways including the styles they wear. For instance, a South American cowboy charm can be given with Panama Cowboy Hats or a little bit of a kicked back southern grace with a bucket hat. I absolutely adore the looks of a straw Panama Fedora. It has the elegant charm of a Fedora but has more of an Argentinian, southern feel. I have to make a character who wears one in my next piece.

Back to Work

I haven't had very much time this past two weeks to do much in the way of animation, working on my movie ideas or making more 3d props. My freelancing has stepped back up again after the regular holiday slump that always occurs around Christmas and New Years. As much as I grumble about the drop in income, I usually prepare for it and it is a nice little vacation that lets me play with my projects for awhile, and I miss it a bit when it is over. I did manage to make this cargo ship before getting back to work.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Keeping Time

I'm so happy that I don't have to punch a clock anymore, but working online is not without its schedules and demands. For companies who use them, it is possible to find employee time clock software online that can simplify the process of keeping track of hours. For those of us that work at home online, keeping track of our hours and the time it takes to create each product so we make a fair wage is a little more complicated, but there is software for that too. I just use a spreadsheet that I formulated myself, but I have seen how that lacks in certain areas. If I had to control the time of others it wouldn't be enough. I would need software that fully realizes the exact amount of time spent on each piece or product.

3d Props

I just made a new lamp 3d prop today
I've put it up as a single product, but it's actually part of a whole room prop I'm doing. It is just one of the many I've made this week. I actually have over 100 props in my store now. The great thing is they're selling. :) Nice.