Friday, October 06, 2006

I've Been Give The Smack Down!

Um, I mean I've been tagged. I've never been tagged before, so bear with me. Thanks a lot Sonja. LOL

Here goes:

Man, these things are always so hard. Picking ONE…

1) One book that changed your life: Jonathan Livingston Seagull, By: Richard Bach. The depth, and symbolism in that book spoke to me of ways I wanted to write when I grew up… and still does.

2) One book that you’d read more than once: I’ve read every ‘Black Stallion’ book by Walter Farley so many times their pages were in shreds when I was younger. They gave me a love for reading, and a depth of imagination and belief that lasts until this day.

3) One book you’d want on a deserted island: Nothing by Stephen King… don’t want to be that scared all alone. Nothing to do with food… well, for obvious reasons. You know, this is a trick question because it should be one of the ‘one book you’d read more than once’ cause if you’re on a deserted island with just a book to read, you’re probably not getting off very quick.

Um…Cheating here, but it’s probably the ‘right’ answer: The bible.

4) One book that made you laugh: Hitchhicker’s guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams.

5) One book that made you cry: The Summerhouse by Jude Deveraux

6) One book you wish you’d written: Needful Things by Stephen King… he’s the master of psychological thrillers.

7) One book you wish had never been written: I don’t really have one. I know that’s cheating but it’s the truth.

8) One book you're currently reading: The Screenwriter's Survival Guide, by: Max Adams

9) One book you’ve been meaning to read: Dark Need, by Lynn Viehl. I have it, I loved the first two of the series, but haven’t had time to open this one.

10) Tag five people: Jose, Bernita, Cupnjava, Kay, E.A.


Anonymous said...

I have The Summerhouse, but I haven't read it yet. I hope it made you cry in a good way...and that it was a good book! :)

EA Monroe said...

Darn you Miss Write! heehee! Now I've got to go round up some books to read!

Anonymous said...

Nice, thank you for Tagging me! You're lucky there're no angry emoticons to post here...LOL

Tami P said...

Therese: In a good way. LOL. I think that one (of the many that have made me cry-in a good way) stands out is because I DON'T own it. I borrowed it from a friend to read, and I hate not owning books I've loved, and knowing they're on my shelf to read again.

EA... haha, you only hurt the ones you love, you know that right?

Jose--awwww, you wouldn't hurt me... would you? Your beloved friend, and editor? (The one who holds the fate of your book... aw shit, no it's out... I don't anymore. Dang. I guess I better start running.)

Bernita said...

Already done this one, Tami.

s.w. vaughn said...

Oh -- great answers! Needful Things, Hitchhiker's Guide, total agreement!

Thanx for playing! :-) Being tagged is fun, huh? (G)

Anonymous said...

Well, I did it! Now it's up to the five tagged bloggers...LOL