Saturday, February 03, 2007

New Itty Bitty Fishies

You're not going to believe this. Well maybe you will, you know I'm kind of crazy. I did something yesterday that I've never done before. I bought a fish (well, a set of fishes) on an auction. Is that crazy? I'd never heard of that before, but apparently it's not all that unusual if buyers want to get (get this) purebred fish. Oh don't shake your head at me, it's in my blood. I've never just owned an animal, I've owned purebred show animals. I'm competitive. It's my nature, I've learned not to fight it over the years. I honestly... and I mean it... never ever would have imagined all that existed in the aquarium world though. A few weeks ago I bought a simple ten-gallon aquarium because I missed the ones I used to have as a teen (no I never knew about fish shows back then, but I didn't have the Internet to tell me about such things either). Over the past couple of weeks I've learned more than I could ever have possibly imagined about fish--guppies most particularly since they're my choosen favorites of the various fish I now own.

So I joined the IFGA (yep there's an associaition for Fancy Guppy owners). And dreamed of buying some of the high priced (oh boy some of them are) purebred strains of fish to start my very own line. Some trios (one male, two females) go for as much as seventy five dollars, although the average is between twenty and thirty. I found two pair (I would have rather had a trio, but two pair is good too) of red cobra which is one of the varieties I had come to favor and won the bid at eighteen dollars. Yeah, I just spent eighteen dollars on four fish. The kicker isn't the cost of the fish though. Whether you spend eighteen or eighty you still have to get the fish to you and if you don't live nearby (yeah as if) you have to have them shipped... some breeders charge as much as thirty dollars for shipping on top of the cost of the fish. This one charges twenty six... yeah I spent that too. Kind of useless to buy the fish but not be able to get them.

So here's a picture of what my fish will look like when they get here.

My next two favorite colors are called half black pastel. They're a half silver/half black bodied fish with pure white top fin (dorsal) and tail (caudal), or half black (same type body) yellow -- yellow dorsal and caudal fins. I'll post a picture of them if I ever get crazy enough to buy some. :)

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