Thursday, November 06, 2008

Zen State of Mind

I think I'm going to plant some Pomegranate trees next spring. Okay, I bet you're asking what that has to do with writing. Everything. I actually get a lot of my thoughts together, and my inspiration when I'm digging in the dirt outside. When I get blocked, I go out and work the garden, prune trees, even muck stalls... everything comes undone at those times. Maybe it's the relaxing, maybe it's the fact that I'm not thinking about writing, or in most cases just not thinking about anything. It's sort of a zen state of mind, and when that happens everything just comes into focus. Since I can't really do too much in the garden at this time of year, and there really are only so many stalls to muck, when I get blocked sometimes I just sit back and let my mind wander about what I want to do next year... besides my birds just love pomegranate so it's a win-win.

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