Thursday, July 02, 2009


I'm sadly lacking that lately. There has been such a combination of punches in my life in the last two weeks that I can barely concentrate when I do sit down to work. I know that it is not something that only happens to people who work for themselves, or people who work from home, or even writers, it happens to anyone in any job or profession. I think though, when you do work for yourself, from home, as a writer, you are hit heavier by it because there is no one who will stand over you with a whip, and even more, friends and family are likely to make excuses for non-performance. We're writers after all. It's understandable.

It might be, but it's not good and the feeling in general is aggravating. I like feeling inspired and juiced. Feeling empty and listless, without that spark is more than just a job problem it's an emotional problem.

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