Thursday, September 01, 2011

Coin Value

In the past two years with my husband cleaning up his mother's house, he's come across a lot (a WHOLE LOT) of old coins. At first, you think wow, that's gotta be worth a lot, and I think when people first start collecting coins they just think "anything old," but the thing is, it is really specific when you really start to investigate what makes a good coin. This is even more important when it comes to custom coins. Some of them are really cool, and maybe the best way to pick them is to choose custom coins that speak to you personally, and not worry about being collector's items. They may become that in the future, but these are the types of coins you buy in order to show them off, and enjoy looking at. Another aspect of custom made coins is getting them created to specifically express your interests or even as marketing gimmicks for your company. They make great conversation pieces that last a long time.