Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Simple Life?

I was talking with a friend last night about how amazing technology is today when it suddenly hit me how far I've come even in my writing technology. I've gone on and on about how much I love my new laptop and the flexibility it gives me. How I used to hate laptops but this one is easy to type on and doesn't hurt my wrists like past machines have. Even just yesterday I got a new 'gadget' in the mail. I received a set of wireless headphones/microphone. Just a small sample of the many things I use on a daily and constant basis and I remembered how in the 80's my husband had to practically twist my arm to get a computer in the first place. My friend was laughing as I told him about it. He said even he didn't usually stop to think about the things that seemed commonplace now that 10, 20 and more years ago would have seemed very 'Buck Rogers' like. He chuckled about the things he owned like talking watches, of course his 'smart' phone, and things like them that as a child would have seemed like science fiction.

It's just amazing to think of how much things have changed. Most of it just since the 80's. That's really only less than 30 years. Can you imagine what life will be like in another 30? Read any good sci-fi lately? You might be living it in 30 years.

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