The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.Vince
There are no truer words written. I can't comprehend the people who moan about how they are not successful, they try and try--they try to find get rich schemes, or get involved in doing something they see others being successful at and think it will all fall right into their laps. Not.
It doesn't work that way, it just don't. People who are successful are that way because they have sweat, sometimes their very own blood, and put in the hours to make what they do work. Success is--still--possible. The problem with out society is more a matter of not wanting to work for it IMO.
Yes, there are economic ills that have had catastrophic effects but if you really think about it the same reasoning applies. We wanted everything without working for it. For awhile we got it, now we are paying the price for those attitudes. Yes technology has changed and created difficulties for some--but for others it was a matter of rolling with the flow and finding ways to make it work for them not against them. Too many businesses failed to do that. They wanted their old methods to work, and didn't pay attention to the bleeding until it was too late.
Success is still possible. Work is still necessary.