Thursday, April 03, 2008

Acceptable Hiatus

Every time I run into someone I haven't seen in awhile they ask me if I've written any new books lately. I even get stopped in the line at grocery stores, and often at the local farm store because one of the cashier's there has been a loyal reader for several years. I feel guilty at times like these to say no, not lately. When I feel compelled to explain, as in the instance with the cashier who I know has read all of my books, I tell them about a quote from Stevie Wonder. Sometime last year, I read a little quote that he said after being asked why he hasn't released any new matieral lately. He replied, I'm a songWRITER. Sometimes I have to take the time to live life in order to write about it.

The same is true for any writer. Spending you days holed up in a little office surrounded by notes, and reams of paper is a glorious way to live for those of us who love to do it, BUT, if you don't get out and live your life when you're not elbow deep in story lines, you will soon run out of them... or at least, you're apt to run out of interesting ways to write about the events in your stories.

Write, have fun, be productive... but don't forget to LIVE too.

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