Sunday, June 08, 2008

Found It!

It took me a few minutes, and I had to re-join (or rather link my yahoo name to my old account since Yahoo took over MyBlogLog) and everything, but I found the widget! I am happy now. It's the little things. You know? It doens't take much to make everything right with the world, even when the world is crashing down around you. If the little things in your life are in place, everything can feel okay.

The world really did seem like it was crashing down all around me yesterday. A huge tornado formed about 15 minutes away, I could see the clouds rolling. I had to pray they wouldn't come in this direction--and thank God they didn't, but they did move, and tore up a path along the I 57 corridor going north east causing all kinds of destruction. It even flipped a semi and TORE IT IN HALF on the interstate. It destroyed homes, and took out power lines, causing fires and blown tranformers all over the northern part of the state.

So, in retrospect, my 'little things' aren't that important, but they still have their place, and everyone needs to feel secure in their own little world, even if it means something as simple as finding a widget code they lost along the way.

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