Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Trial and Error in a Brave New World

Okay. I have officially done it. I registered at Triond yesterday and submitted four items. One short story, two poems, and part one of a series on creating professional looking manuscripts for self-pubbers. The process is relatively easy. Although you have to submit, there doesn't seem to be a true editorial process. No suprise there, there isn't with Associated Content either. If I didn't care so much about how my name was associated with it, I'd submit something that was as extremely poorly done as I could imagine just to see what would happen. Perhaps that would be a curious experiement, maybe registered under a different name? I'd kind of like to see if that were something that would make a difference, or not. I rather doubt it though.

I guess it could be likened to the many, many different types of blogs. That would be fair enough. That doesn't stop people from looking for new blogs, and enjoying what they personally like from the vast selections. (Hey, I can reason things away with the best of them, can't I? It has a truth to it though.)

For now, it will be interesting to see if it pays off. That's the true guage, and before any of the stuanch purists decry that statement, think about it. If it were not the true measure of success, why would anyone think 'traditional publishing' was the hallmark of quality?

When embarking on the adventure of exploring the brave new world of the Internet there is bound to be trial and error. All roads lead to somewhere. Hopefully a few will lead to glory. LOL

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