Monday, August 11, 2008

What Do You Write With?

I can't remember the last time I wrote with a pen and paper. I think I was in my 20's and that's a long time ago. Even then I usually used a typewriter, but after graduating to a computer I never looked back. Good thing now since I have carpel tunnel, which, surprisingly isn't too aggravated by typing like most, but will turn my penmanship into unreadable scrawl by the second line. Usually I am sitting at my desk in my office and using my big, powerful desktop computer. As a general rule I have shied away from laptops because they do aggravate my wrists with their funky keyboards, but now I've found a stand that I can use that makes typing on a laptop easy... so... I bought a laptop and now I'm laying in bed (because my back is out) and still able to work!

I still have my big desktop computer and would never get rid of it. Partly because of its huge 20 inch screen, even though the new laptop has a 17" so it's no slouch in that department either, but still... 20 beats 17, but also because I just couldn't completely bear to be without an actual 'office, desk, and big computer' even if typing from bed is nice once in awhile.

One thing that probably will be done away with now that I have the laptop is my Alphasmart Neo. That is a great product and I've used it a lot in the past when I had to travel but still wanted to be able to write. It's more limited than an actual laptop though so since I have this now it doesn't make much sense to use it.

What do you use to write?

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