Thursday, July 26, 2007

A World Apart

I was kind of giggling to myself today over the similarities between regular romance novels and romantica, and even down right erotica. The boundaries seem so firm. The proponants of each can be unyeilding in their fanatic desire to keep them seperate, but really the stories are so similar. They can be seperated from something as simple as a bra and panties and the suggestion of open tip bras. Surely it can't be that simple right? Think about it. If you've had much experience reading more than one of the above genres, or even just two of them such as romance and romantica which are often so very similar the line blurs if you just squint you'll realize it's true. I wish authors would spend more time worrying over how to encourage people to read once more, than screaming over the divisions that mean so very little in the end.

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