Saturday, December 13, 2008

Back on Track

I am back on my diet again and it is making me feel good. I don't know how it happens but when I am into it I feel good about it and feel like it is no problem at all, but for awhile I was having such a hard time with everything going on around me, and depressed a bit, and eating--and I just couldn't remember how it was to be happy on a diet, I couldn't fathom it. I tried taking a diet pill each day, but even then it wasn't as useful as it could have been. It was something I couldn't get my mind around. Now I think diet pills are helpful when you research them, get the best prices as some of them are very expensive, and use them appropriately as a tool to help with your diet and exercise. I also think if you aren't in the right frame of mind just about nothing you do will help. I'm still having the same stresses and issues but I've managed to get my mind around it and am back on track, at least for now.

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