Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Standing Strong Like Paul Offit

It is sad anytime that someone can't feel they have the right to free speech. Perhaps even more-so when it is a doctor who works so hard to provide health care for the public. Paul Offit has worked hard his entire career to make vaccines for people. Now he has to have a bodyguard anytime he wants to speak in public about his work. If it weren't for vaccines we would still have rampant spread of holocaust type diseases that wiped out entire continents in the past.

Medical science is still just a science and no one or nothing is perfect but without the work done by doctors such as Paul Offit we would still be in the dark ages. It should never be necessary to worry about having the right to speak in a country where free speech is guarded so righteously.

I think the bravery of visionaries such as Paul Offit should be applauded. They continue to work toward the betterment of their fellow man in the face of appalling adversity even in this modern age. It is a lesson to learn. Never let the small-mindedness of others stop you from doing what you know is important.

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