Monday, August 20, 2007

I'm not sure what to think of Helium. It's sort of like Associated Content, but not. The same principle, you write an article--either one you want to write, or one from a list of subjects their 'clients' would be interested in buying, but they don't pay per article like AC does. Instead you get paid only per click. AC also pays per click, but they give you a base pay first which is at least fair. Helium suggests it is possible to get a pretty high payout per article if their 'clients' buy it, but of course there is only a slim hope of that happening. I did one article -- a suggested subject, but I think I'll leave that site go for now as a possible real opprotunity. It's not a scam, but it's just one step up for making promises that are unlikely, rather than stepping up to the plate and at least paying a minimum for each article.

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