Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Is This Crazy?

When my kids grew up and moved out of the house, my husband and I wasted no time in converting their bedrooms into offices for each of us. No empty nest syndrome here, and no revolving doors either. They're flying, so they can make their way in the world on their own.

Sometimes though it gets really funny. Our offices are right next to each other, so communication shouldn't be an issue, but last night my husband emailed me from his office and asked if I wanted to go out to eat. I answered him... via email. We had a several email conversation when we were both less than twenty feet apart. LOL Brought back memories of a long time ago when we had what was the first internet connection in our old house. There wasn't much to the Internet back then. Just chat rooms and email. He'd be in one room of the house on his computer and I'd be in another and we'd play 'hide and seek' in the various chat rooms. I think other people in those rooms used to think we were nuts. They weren't 'in' on the game.

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