Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Article Writing, And Freelancing

The world of freelancing both in SEO writing, and article writing is such an up and down game. Some really good places to generate income from writing articles stay a viable source, and others change their methods to make them less attractive--to the writers anyway, I'm sure the changes are in the site's best interest. Take Associated Content for instance. It started out as a really decent paying opprotunity to place well-written articles. Then Helium came along with a different format that practically paid nothing, and Associated Content seemed to take a page from them. While they didn't drop all the real payment incentives, they lowered them drastically. You really have to roll with the punches when you freelance, and learn never to put all of your eggs in one basket, because sometimes the baskets break. I surely haven't in the several years I've been freelancing. As a rule anyway. I did, however, earlier this year when a very, VERY profitable freelance opprotunity raised its head. I was doing so well I let a lot of my other projects slide only to have the really great op fall apart after a few months. It was a great few months while it lasted but the demise of that company sure taught me a lesson. When you write for a living, it's not a good thing to spread yourself too thin, but it's even worse to not spread yourself at all. I recovered from the lost potential income, but it took a few weeks to get the other things rolling again to replace it. Life as a writer, when you're not Stephen King, J. K. Rowlings, or on that level, can be very stressful, learn to cut the stress to a manageable level though, and you can survive.

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