Thursday, October 18, 2007

Getting The Big Bang

I started out watching the premiere of 'Big Bang Theory' a few weeks ago but then let it go. It was kind of 'haha' funny, but not really what I thought it would be. I really liked the idea of Johnny Galecki, David from the Rosanne show, in a new character. It's kind of funny because his character on Big Bang isn't much different from his old character on the Rosanne show. It really didn't quite make the cut though because although seeing a bunch of 'egg-heads' in difficult circumstances is funny, and even heartwarming in a 'I'm glad they have the same problems' sort of way, and even worse, that's all it was. However, I was drawn back in last night when Lauri Metcalf, Jacki (the sister) from Rosanne, made a guest appearance... now there was the old chemistry. See I loved Rosanne. That was a great show. Those two characters being on Big Bang really brought back a chemistry even though the Laurie character, playing the mom of Physicist 'Sheldon' wasn't the same as her Jackie character. I really enjoyed that episode. I think I'll give Big Bang another shot. It could actually amount to something after all.

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