Friday, October 26, 2007

Big Loser

Well, did any of you guys happen to watch last Tuesday's episode of Biggest Loser? I love that show but what was going on there last week really toasted my buns (how's that for talk from a dieter? LOL). I can't believe it. First the show's creators restructered the entire way the show was conducted so I felt kind of lost, and a little angry because it's hard to root for your favorite team when the teams are all split up and re-grouped. Then the real bombshell came. Two members of the former blue team conspired to pull a stunt to get rid of someone else. Suddenly it was a typical 'reality show' instead of the everyone being there for the main purpose of losing weight. In fact, in order to pull of their little game, they had to do the exact opposite! Two of the blue team members GAINED weight ON PURPOSE. One of them, a whopping SEVENTEEN pounds! Apparently they did it by drinking mass amounts of water and holding it right before the weigh in (man, 17 pounds of water, that's over two GALLONS!). It was so wrong though. Lots of others, including two of the trainers were massively pissed off about the whole thing when it came to light, and I don't blame them, what I DO blame them, and the show for is not considering that against the rules in the spirit of the idea behind the show---LOSING weight. If Biggest Loser comes back on next season, I sure hope they have taken such tactics into consideration and made rules to avoid them. To me, that should be grounds for expulsion from the game!

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