Monday, December 11, 2006

The Key

Have you ever wondered what those elusive deal words in Publisher's Weekly really stand for? You know the ones: "NICE", "VERY NICE", "GOOD", "SIGNIFICANT", "MAJOR".

Ever wanted to know what those words stood for in cold hard cash, but weren't sure where to find the key?

Here it is, direct from Publisher's Weekly.

The Key
"nice deal" $1 - $49,000
"very nice deal" $50,000 - $99,000
"good deal" $100,000 - $250,000
"significant deal" $251,000 - $499,000
"major deal" $500,000 and up

You have to love that last one... and up. Yeah, as if. I'd settle for very nice.


Bernita said...

I'll settle for "nice."

Kristina Knight said...

Ditto...but as along as I'm dreaming, I'll be dreaming in high-def, THX sound Major Deal mode. :)

Tami P said...

Bernita-Yeah, I like the 'Nice' deals too, but I've had a few 'nice' ones (although very admittedly on the extreme low end of nice). Now I'd like a little bump in catagory. Heehee.

Kristi-I didn't want to seem greedy! LOL You know deep down we all dream of being in the 'Major' mode--and you're just the super agent, and author to get us there. Thanks for stopping by, sweetie.