Saturday, December 16, 2006

Technology Today

My meandering mind is wandering this morning.

Entering the 'way-back' machine to the 80's.

So much is going on in the blog world today. v-blogs, music blogs, technoblogs, and paid blogging. It blows the mind.

I remember not too long in the past. (Okay for some of you it's a lifetime) Back when I got my first Internet capable computer. It was the mid-80's or so, and the Internet was a BABY. Mostly it was chat rooms that were server specific, and there were very, very few servers. MSN and AOL were the big two. If you had chats on AOL that was the limit, who was on AOL. Etc. I remember talk back then that if you knew HTML coding you could 'break into' the WORLD WIDE WEB. That was such a mysterious place back then.

LOL wow, to think of it now is funny. It was scary though. Secret. Hidden in coded language. Now, it's a click of a button and instant connection to the vast ethernet of EVERYWHERE.

Talk to anybody, on any server. Post blogs, websites, forums, chatrooms--anything your heart desires, and you rarely need to know a thing about coding.

What really cooks the mind is to wonder what technology will be like in another 20 years?

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